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tattoos for men

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

These days it seems like tattoos for men have almost all but been forgotten.  With the huge craze of female tattoos and the growth in the tattoo industry of women the good old stand by of tattoos for men have all but been forgotten.  However, just in the last year or so tattoos for men have been making a come back.  There are a ton of new designs and new areas that have hit big time in the area of male tattoo designs.  Here are some of the top locations and design styles to watch out for.
Chest And Back Tattoos Make A Come Back
According to search trends and also local tattoo shops more and more men are getting traditional tattoos and some of the older styles are really come back in style big time.
Chest Tattoos
The chest tattoo is one of the new and hot designs that have come out and come into popularity over the past year and a half or so.  The chest is a popular area because it is easy to cover in a professional setting yet also very manly and easy to show off when you want.  Just go out with your shirt buttoned down or a v neck t shirt and you are set to show off your exceptional art work.  The chest is also a very large canvas and a big blank slate which allows vor very intricate and cool looking designs.  This coupled with new bright inks and retro styles in fashion have all fueled a huge growth in chest tattoos for men.
Back Tattoos
These of course have also been around forever and a day.  Yet the back is coming back in fashion and really risen in popularity over the last year.  Again the back offers a very large space for a tattoo design which allows a person to come up with a very intricate and detailed design.

Popular Tattoo Design Choices
Tribal Tattoos
Yes you guessed it tribal tattoos are definitely back in fashion for men.  For a while there in the mid 90's tribal tattoos were becoming over done and no longer the big hits.  They fell out of fashion for a while there.  However, they have been adapted and brought back to life.  Now and days however, tribal designs are not just the abstract line work and interwoven patterns that used to be done.  Now men are choosing tribal designs that are more authentic to ancient tribes and cultures.  For example Maori and Hawaiian tribal designs as well as Australian aboriginal designs are also become very popular.
Cross Tattoos
This is another good old stand by that has risen in popularity once again.  The cross has always been a pretty major player int he tattoo design world but now they are becoming very popular and big time again.  There are so many design options with the cross that they make for a really diverse and great tattoo design.  There is the traditional crucifix cross and the Celtic knot work crosses.  Also very popular are the dark Gothic cross designs.

These  are all trends in male tattoo design that have been around for ever but recently have been gaining in popularity again.  As many styles in fashion come back in fashion and the whole cool retro movement has really brought back some of these traditional locations and designs for male tattoos.

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